Dropbox: 5 step subscription cancellation process

Dropbox's flow is one of the best representations of how not to do the design cancellation process. It uses several dark patterns, including Roach Motel and Misdirection.

Let's dive deeper into this journey.

1 . You should go to your personal account page and switch to the "Plan" tab.

2. After that, you will be moved to the page where Dropbox will actively try to change your mind and keep the subscription.

The first button that you will see is "I change my mind, take me back to Dropbox". This is a big blue primary button that you will likely hit in order to proceed in the cancellation process. Unfortunately, the button we are looking for is located in the end of this page.

3. After we scroll all the way down, we will be presented with 4 different buttons. Two of them are primary that will do everything but cancelling, another one will take you back to Dropbox, and the last one is actually what we are looking for "I still want to downgrade"

4. Please stay with me; it's not the end of our journey. On this screen, they will ask you a second time if you really want to continue with your subscription cancellation in case you changed your mind and will make "Keep subscription" a primary button again.  

5. The third question is to make sure you still thinking of downgrading, but this time they want you to provide a written response of why you want to downgrade. When you scroll down, which is again located below the fold, you will see the same old two buttons, where the primary action wants you to keep the subscription.  

...and after you hit the "I still want to downgrade" button, it will cancel the subscription but will show you the screen where you can "Upgrade now" again.

So as you see, the whole path of Dropbox subscription cancellation is heavily littered with dark patterns. This is one of the worst cancellation processes we've ever seen. It doesn't benefit the end-user in any way. People that really want to cancel the subscription will not be stopped after the first, second or third warning.

Images from TechWorldTut